


Íslensk ull (Icelandic wool), handprjón (hand knitting).

4   2K
FIDGET SPINNER jak si ho sami uděláte | DIY HAND SPINNER s ložiskami ze skateboardu

FIDGET SPINNER jak si ho sami uděláte | DIY HAND SPINNER s

FIDGET SPINNER jak si ho sami uděláte | DIY HAND SPINNER s ložiskami ze skateboardu ODEBÍREJTE náš

313   16.9K
Hand made necklace.necklace.kanzashi necklace.fabric jevellery.náhrdelník snadno a rychle

Hand made necklace.necklace.kanzashi necklace.fabric

Hand made necklace/necklace/kanzashi necklace/fabric jevellery/náhrdelník snadno a rychle Difficulty •

1   508
Vizuální ASMR | Tiché háčkování. Visual ASMR | Silent crocheting

Vizuální ASMR | Tiché háčkování. Visual ASMR | Silent

Tohle video jsem chtěla zkusit natočit už delší dobu, jen háčkování a pohyby  ... žná si u

17   1K
Tutorial. how to fix a hole on clothes invisibly

Tutorial. how to fix a hole on clothes invisibly

Tutorial: How to sew a ripped hole in clothingIn a simple and easy way, using handcrafts to teach

327   18K
Do it yourself fix an invisible hole on your shirt. amazing fixes to keep your clothes

Do it yourself fix an invisible hole on your shirt. amazing

Do it yourself to repair an invisible hole on your shirt Amazing repairs to keep your clothes Learn how

700   30.9K
Hand made earrings.fabric earrings.kanzashi earrings.hand made jewellery.naušnice snadno a rychle

Hand made earrings.fabric earrings.kanzashi earrings.hand

Hand made earrings/fabric earrings/kanzashi earrings/hand made jewellery/naušnice snadno a rychle

7   869
Learn how to fix a hole on your clothes in an amazing way. Save your clothes

Learn how to fix a hole on your clothes in an amazing way.

Learn how to fix a hole in your clothes in an amazing way / Save your clothes step by step in an

18277   2.34M
It's so Beautiful!! Super easy flower making trick with yarn - Hand embroidery flower design - DIY

It's so Beautiful!! Super easy flower making trick with yarn

Super easy flower making trick with yarn. Woolen flower decor ideas. Please subscribe.

662   24.5K
SUB CC] 화이트 셔츠 위에 핀 샛노란 미모사 꽃, 프랑스 자수 Mimosa flowers on my old shirts, Hand embroidery

SUB CC] 화이트 셔츠 위에 핀 샛노란 미모사 꽃, 프랑스 자수 Mimosa flowers on my

????무료 도안 :  ...  ????Free Pattern :  ...  안녕하세요 실버스노우입니다???? 오늘은 여름에 잘 어울리는 노란

8957   213.1K
2. díl: IDS vyrábí (Ponožková loutka)

2. díl: IDS vyrábí (Ponožková loutka)

2. DÍL. Vyrobte si ponožkovou loutku podle naší louky Tyrona z inscenace Přísámbůh (Hand to God),

2   93
Monsi Hand Embroidery

Monsi Hand Embroidery

Tašky • Kabelky • Dekorácie  ... 

Learn how to invisibly fix a hole in jeans. keep your jeans

Learn how to invisibly fix a hole in jeans. keep your jeans

Learn how to invisibly fix a hole in jeans / keep your jeans/Teach sewing jeans step by step/Great

19823   1.68M
SUB CC] 보라빛 가득한 모네의 수련, 프랑스 자수 Claude Monet - Water Lilies, Hand Embroidery

SUB CC] 보라빛 가득한 모네의 수련, 프랑스 자수 Claude Monet - Water Lilies,

????영상 속 자수 DIY 패키지:  ...  ????’안녕, 자수' 서적: ...  ????온라인 클래스:  ... 

661   15.7K
Jak na skrytý steh | Hand sew an invisible stitch

Jak na skrytý steh | Hand sew an invisible stitch

Steh můžete znát i pod názvem matracový. Používá se všude tam, kde chcete uzavřít otvor tak, aby

151   38.4K
Crocheted elegant handbag. Elegantní háčkovaná kabelka Tara větší

Crocheted elegant handbag. Elegantní háčkovaná kabelka Tara

I make all handbags to order. Delivery time 1-2 weeks. Colors and more types can be found on the e-shop

7   1K
SUB CC] 따뜻함이 가득핀 꽃 자수 달력 2편, 프랑스 자수 Cozy&Fluffy Flowers on the 2022 Calendar Ep.2 Hand Embroidery

SUB CC] 따뜻함이 가득핀 꽃 자수 달력 2편, 프랑스 자수 Cozy&Fluffy Flowers on

????2022 자수 달력 DIY 패키지:  ...  ????자수 달력 1편 영상:  ...  …………………………………… #자수달력 안녕하세요

924   19K
1. díl: IDS vyrábí (Ponožková loutka)

1. díl: IDS vyrábí (Ponožková loutka)

1. DÍL. Vyrobte si ponožkovou loutku podle naší louky Tyrona z inscenace Přísámbůh (Hand to God),

3   240
How to Amazingly Fix a Hole on JeansKeep Your Jeans

How to Amazingly Fix a Hole on JeansKeep Your Jeans

How to sew a hole on your jeans / Teach sewing jeans step by step / Cool sewing tips and tricks using

2817   157.8K
SUB] 우아한 발레리나 '드가 프랑스 자수', 명화자수 Edgar Degas Ballet Series, Hand Embroidery

SUB] 우아한 발레리나 '드가 프랑스 자수', 명화자수 Edgar Degas Ballet Series,

????드가 DIY 패키지:  ...  …………………………………… 안녕하세요 실버스노우입니다???? 오늘은 9월의 명화인 ‘에드가 드가(Edgar Degas)’의

674   13.9K
Learn to sew a hole on your jeans invisibly. do it yourself and keep your clothes

Learn to sew a hole on your jeans invisibly. do it yourself

Learn how to invisibly sew a hole on your jeans / Do it yourself and keep your clothes / Cool sewing

11440   1.2M
The simplest ways to sew your clothes by hand in a new and innovative way

The simplest ways to sew your clothes by hand in a new and

Make your own new ways to sew your clothes in a simple and innovative way / A complete step-by-step

15   770