
90 beautiful ideas from pipes and bottles! PVC and steel pipe furniture, glass bottle crafts!

90 beautiful ideas from pipes and bottles! PVC and steel

90 beautiful ideas from pipes and bottles! PVC and steel pipe furniture, glass bottle crafts! 00:00 ►

303   21.4K
Discovery bottles DiY - láhve s poklady

Discovery bottles DiY - láhve s poklady

Hrátky s batolátky - jednoduchý návod na výrobu zajímavých hraček pro batolátka ve věku 1-3 roky. V

1   293
Jednodušeji to už asi nejde (respirator)

Jednodušeji to už asi nejde (respirator)

Z PET lahve od piva - je to tu proto, aby lidi nemuseli draze kupovat to, co mají jen na jedno použití.

14   610
Creative idea lamp diy from plastic bottles - Do it yourself - Lifekaki. #Shorts

Creative idea lamp diy from plastic bottles - Do it yourself

Lamp in the form of a ball made of rope made without glue. The luminaire can be wiped clean with water

15   1K
Amazing !! Perfect idea made of plastic bottles and wool - Gift Craft ldeas - DIY Projects

Amazing !! Perfect idea made of plastic bottles and wool -

The ingredients used in the video : Plastic bottle. Wool thread. Plastic bottle cap. Acrylic paint.

4337   352.2K
Great ideas to recycle plastic bottles to grow beautiful flowers

Great ideas to recycle plastic bottles to grow beautiful

Great ideas to recycle plastic bottles to grow beautiful flowers #idea #garden #Recycle #bottles #DIY

6   147
Amazing !! Perfect idea made of plastic bottles and wool - Recycling Craft ldeas - DIY Projects

Amazing !! Perfect idea made of plastic bottles and wool -

The ingredients used in the video : Plastic bottle. Wool. Cardboard. Pencil or Pen. Felt Pearl bead.

1630   96.1K
Christmas tree ???? made of plastic bottles with a garland on batteries - dollar tree. ЁЛОЧКА. #Shorts

Christmas tree ???? made of plastic bottles with a garland

WATCH FULL VIDEO - How to make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles:  ...  Click "Like"!

35   1.7K
DIY Christmas decorations - Snowflake from plastic bottles - DIY Christmas decoration. #snowflakes

DIY Christmas decorations - Snowflake from plastic bottles -

Christmas tree toy snowflake from plastic bottles step by step - How to make Christmas and New Year

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