Cherry Blossom Tree. Textured Painting. Tutorial. Speed Demo. Acrylbild Baum by ilonka

Cherry Blossom Tree. Textured Painting. Tutorial. Speed Demo. Acrylbild Baum by ilonka
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  ilonka Walter acrylkreativ
11032   1.05M  

Here the same Cherry Tree Painting as the first "Passion" Art, but with 3 canvases. Speed Version. 3 Panel á 24" x 12" x 0,7" ( 3 x 60 x 20 x 1,8 cm )Hier nochmal das gleiche Bild, nur als kleinen 3teiler. Aufnahme: Juni 2015 Live Tutorials: My newest Tr

Tutorial  Painting  Tree  Tuto  

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